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Muscle Performance

Studies and Research Papers

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Astaxanthin in Exercise Metabolism, Performance and Recovery: A Review


Previous research conducted in both in vitro cell-cultures and in vivo animal models provide evidence to support the use of astaxanthin as a dietary supplement for recreationall...


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Chapter 48 - Role of Astaxanthin in Sports Nutrition


Natural astaxanthin has been documented to increase muscular strength and endurance in five out of six human clinical studies as well as four supporting animal trials. This chapter reviews the published studie...


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Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition


 Levels of PGC-1α and its downstream proteins were significantly elevated in astaxanthin-fed mice compared with mice fed a normal diet. Astaxanthin intake resulted in a PGC-1α elevation in...


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The power of natural astaxanthin for increased muscle performance


In addition, studies demonstrate that astaxanthin decreases inflammation, which may reduce muscle pain and potentially prevent muscle atrophy. The effects of astaxanthin have wide appeal as we increasingly recognise...


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Astaxanthin improves muscle lipid metabolism in exercise via inhibitory effect of oxidative CPT I modification


Our results suggested that astaxanthin promoted lipid metabolism rather than glucose utilization during exercise via CPT I...





Cartilage & Bone

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